非買不可Penguin 4 (Int)- Gone with the Wind-Part One超值獨家
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非買不可Penguin 4 (Int)- Gone with the Wind-Part One超值獨家曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
內容簡介: When beautiful Scarlett O'Hara learns that Ashley Wilkes, the man she loves, is going to marry another woman, her broken heart seems far worse than the tragedies of the Civil War. However, one man knows her secret, and博客來網路書店 he wants her博客來網路書局 for himself. ‘Penguin Readers‘ is a series of simplified novels, film novelizations and original titles that introduce students at all levels to the pleasures of reading in English. Originally designed for teaching English as a foreign language, the series' combination of high interest level and low reading age makes it suitable for both English-speaking teenagers with limited reading skills and students of English as a second language. Many titles in the series also provide access to the pre-20th century literature strands of the National Curriculum English Orders. ‘Penguin Readers‘ are graded at seven levels of difficulty, from ‘Easystarts‘ with a 200-word vocabulary, to Level 6 (Advanced) with a 3000-word vocabulary. In addition, titles fall into one of three sub-categories: ‘Contemporary‘, ‘Classics‘ or ‘Originals‘. At the end of each book there is a section of enjoyable exercises focusing on vocabulary building, comprehension, discussion and writing. Some titles in the series are available with an accompanying audio cassette, or in a book and cassette pack. Additionally, selected titles have free accompanying ‘Penguin Readers Factsheets‘ which provide stimulating exercise material for students, as well as suggestions for teachers on how to exploit the Readers in class.
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戴爾-卡奈基樂觀:肯定自我-跳脫困境 | 你一定做的到!潛能激發充電站 | 跳下懸崖找條路 | 探究未來,掌握未來(無書,附CD) | ||||
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- 新功能介紹 作者: Margaret Mitchell
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2002/03/09
- 語言:英文
非買不可Penguin 4 (Int)- Gone with the Wind-Part One超值獨家
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